Wistron Medical Technology Japanへようこそ
Wistron Medical Technology Japan株式会社は、Fortune500企業の台湾ハイテク巨人Wistronが出資するグローバル企業B-temiaの子会社です。
Wistron Medical Technology Japan株式会社の使命はKeeogo Dermoskeletonという画期的な技術を日本のリハビリ市場で活躍されるセラピスト及びその利用者の皆様にお届けする事です。
このKeeogo認定トレーナー制度とWistron Medical Technology Japan株式会社と提携するKeeogoトレーニングセンターの方達を通じて、Keeogoを利用した画期的なロボット・リハビリテーションサービスを利用者の皆様に提供致します。
リハビリテーションサービスにおいて、目標実現の為には痛みを伴う日々のトレーニングが重要である事は理解していますが、それに加えてKeeogoサービスの活用を通じて、 Keep On Going、より楽しく前進していければと願っています。
Wistron Medical Technology Japan株式会社代表取締役
謝 群英
Welcomes to Wistron Medical Technology Japan !
Wistron Medical Technology Japan (WMJP) is a subsidiary of the B-temia global operations invested by the Fortune 500 technology giant Wistron.
We carries the mission of bringing the exciting Keeogo Dermoskeleton technology to Japan and serving the Japanese Physical Therapy community and its patients in needs.
We provide PTs with the state-of-the-art
Through cooperation with the Japan Keeogo Association (JKA), we organize advanced Keeogo training and certification courses to the Japanese therapists. After the training, we provide the Keeogo devices to the certified service providers to offer unique Keeogo Robotic Training programs to their patients taking advantage of the amazing Keeogo rehabilitation and training effects.
We wish to improve Happiness & Wellbeing of the Patients
Together with our partnered therapists and service providers, we keep the happiness and wellbeing of our valuable patients at top priority. We are determined to provide excellent care to ensure best performance of our products and services to our partners so that we can jointly enjoy rewarding satisfaction of our patients. In the rehab business we know the traditional phrase No Pain, No Gain. However, we truly hope our unique Keeogo experience can prove the patients with lots of fun while Keep on Going !
Sincerely,Gem Hsieh